Over 480,000 Children Learn Digital Skills

Our Responsible Leadership in Action

Since 2016, through our child online protection (COP) efforts, we have trained more than 480,000 children in the opportunities and risks of digital technology.

In 2019, we consolidated and enhanced our regional COP initiative under the name Conectate Segur@. Building upon the success of Tigo Colombia’s Contigo Conectados program, Conectate Segur@ uses interactive quizzes, games, stories and other materials—tailored for children as young as eight and up through high school age—to help young people develop safe, productive online habits. The curriculum includes lessons on cyberbullying, appropriate use of social networking, avoiding illegal and inappropriate content and recognizing signs of predatory behavior on the internet.

All our Latam markets have rolled out Conectate Segur@ initiatives in 2019. We aim to reach 70,000 teachers, 200,000 parents and caregivers and 700,000 children and adolescents by 2023.

For more details on our progress against these and other COP targets, please see the CR Performance Tables on page 55.