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How did it start?

Conectadas was created in


With the aim of fostering mobile internet usage among women through education and digital inclusion.

How did it come about?

All Millicom/Tigo operations took on the commitment to design strategies and programs that aid in

reducing the gender digital divide in mobile data usage.

About the program

It is a digital education and inclusion program that originated from a GSMA initiative. Its goal is to empower young and adult women, both professionals and non-professionals, about the benefits of technology and the internet, covering basic, intermediate, and advanced usage, in order to help bridge the gender digital divide. Since its inception, it has been implemented in the 9 countries where Millicom/Tigo operates:


It provides women with tools that enable them to navigate safely while accessing a universe of information and opportunities available on the internet and social networks, helping them enhance their lives as well as those of their families and communities. Furthermore, in April 2022, the digital education platform "Conectadas" was launched, featuring 4 learning modules: Social Networks, Social Networks for My Business, Personal Finances, and Finances for My Business. The educational offerings on this platform are constantly updated and diversified, and we collaborate with our international partners to promote it.

Current numbers

As of December, 31, 2023

955,986 WOMEN

have been trained across the entire region.


This achievement, which we strive to improve every day, was made possible through the efforts our implementing partners, Millicom Tigo teams, volunteers, and allies who share our mission of connecting people and advancing our communities.


Our partners