At Millicom, we strive to protect the integrity and privacy of the information we hold on our customers and the right to freedom of expression of our customers, as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which are ratified by all countries in which the Millicom Group operates.

 Millicom’s significant on-the-ground presence in our markets gives us a strong understanding of potential risk situations and risk levels. We have run global human rights risk assessments in a number of our operating environments to assess such risks, working with leading sustainability firms.

As one of the largest providers of digital services and content in our markets, we take seriously our responsibility to respect people’s dignity and safeguard their rights, including freedom of expression (FoE) and privacy. This extends from how we handle personal and confidential data for millions of customers to the workplace standards we uphold with our employees and supply chain partners. Millicom’s global and country-specific websites provide customers with detailed information regarding our privacy statement and practices. We also provide transparent access to channels and contact points for customers to raise privacy concerns. Our employees are trained on data privacy essentials every year.

Also, we have published an annual Law Enforcement Disclosure (LED) report since 2015 for two key reasons:

  • To more transparently tell stakeholders how we deal with government requests.
  • To more clearly explain the contexts in which telecommunications companies receive demands from governments and the considerations influencing decisions related to these situations.

To help us follow through on these commitments and identify areas to improve, we regularly seek input from and share best practices with experts, investors, NGOs, other companies and the academic community.